Brazos County Commission Approve Three Grant Related Items At This Week’s Meeting

Brazos County commissioners approve three grant related items at Tuesday’s meeting.

Without discussion, there was a unanimous vote to apply for a federal grant of $2.5 million dollars. That money would go towards planning costs of road and bridge department projects located in what is described as “areas of persistent poverty” or “historically disadvantaged communities” around Brazos County.

Click HERE to read and download the road and bridge federal grant application.

Last October, commissioners approved splitting $42 million dollars in federal pandemic grant money among 14 agencies and projects. Two weeks ago, some of that went to a consultant doing a study on extending broadband service. On Tuesday, commissioners formalized a contract with Scotty’s House child advocacy center. The agency that works with victims of child abuse is getting $26,000 dollars. That is $1,000 more than originally allocated. The money will go towards Scotty’s House acquiring a new building security system, replacing its heating and air conditioning system, and replacing a ten year old computer server.

Click HERE to read and download background information about the Scotty’s House grant.

And commissioners approved pay raises for lawyers being hired by the new public defender’s office. County judge Duane Peters says a grant that established the office will cover the raises. Peters says public defenders are required to be paid at a similar rate as county prosecutors.

Click HERE to read and download additional information about public defender pay raises.

Click below to hear comments from the February 28, 2023 Brazos County commission meeting.


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