The Brazos Central Appraisal District (BCAD) mailed 80,000 valuation notices on Monday.
Chief appraiser Dana Horton says most property valuations in Brazos County rose by 20 percent from the year before.
Horton says that is based on sales activity of comparable properties.
The BCAD office is now taking informal protests. Horton says that can be done by going to the office, calling 979-774-4100, or sending an e-mail to arb@brazoscad.org.
Horton says informal appeals will be considered until formal protests begin on May 16.
Click below for comments from Dana Horton, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.
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News release from the Brazos Central Appraisal District:
A majority of the 2023 Notices of Appraised Value were placed in the mail on April 24, 2023.
Please be advised that informal reviews are open to all Brazos County property owners/agents.
Due to the volume of protests received in the past few years, informal reviews will now be held in April and May before formal hearings begin and on non-hearing days after formal hearings have begun.
Formal hearings begin on May 16th.
Property owners/agents with multiple properties are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment for informal review as soon as possible after receiving the Notice(s) of Appraised Value.
Please contact the BCAD office at (979) 774-4100 or visit the appraisal district office at 4051 Pendleton Dr, Bryan, Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm to schedule an informal review or to obtain further information.