Blinn College Trustees Fill Vacant Board Position And Approve Priorities For The Next Legislative Session

Screen shot from Blinn chancellor Mary Hensley's Twitter account @Blinn_Hensley
Screen shot from Blinn chancellor Mary Hensley's Twitter account @Blinn_Hensley

The Blinn College board of trustees began their November meeting by swearing in a new member.

The board named educator Rebecca Ehlert to fill the remainder of a term that expires next May.

Ehlert is a Blinn and Brenham High graduate who returned to Brenham after a 28 year career in Round Rock ISD.

She takes the seat previously held by Dan Gatewood, who resigned in August after moving outside of Washington County.

Blinn trustees also adopted legislative priorities for the session that starts in January.

Trustees approved what was presented by executive vice chancellor and former state representative Leighton Schubert.

That includes joining the state association’s platform in asking for the same amount of base money in the next biennium and spending an undisclosed amount of money to create a new statewide workforce training program.

Blinn will also join other two and four year colleges and universities to again ask for state reimbursement for students who are dependents of veterans taking advantage of the Hazlewood exemption.

Click below for comments from Leighton Schubert during the November 19, 2020 Blinn College trustees meeting.

Listen to “Blinn College trustees adopt priorities for the 2021 Texas legislative session” on Spreaker.


Additional information from Blinn College:

The Blinn College District appointed a new member to the Board of Trustees and approved its policy priorities for the 87th Session of the Texas Legislature during its regular board meeting Tuesday.

Rebecca Ehlert, a Blinn College alumna, will represent Precinct 4 and serve the remainder of the term that expires in May 2021.

Ehlert grew up in Brenham and attended Brenham public schools. After graduating from Brenham High School, she attended Blinn, then transferred to the University of Texas at Austin. There, she earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing, then earned her Master of Education in Special Education and her Educational Diagnostician Certification from Southwest Texas State University.

Upon earning her master’s degree, Ehlert began her 28-year education career with Round Rock Independent School District, where she served the public as a middle school special education teacher, ARD (admission, review, and dismissal) facilitator, educational diagnostician, and lead assessment supervisor. She also served as a teacher trainer for the Region 13 Education Service Center in Austin.

Ehlert has served as grant committee chair for the Austin Junior Forum and volunteered at the Yellow Brick House Food Pantry at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Pflugerville, Texas. Once retired, she volunteered at Next To New, a ministry of St. David’s Episcopal Church in Austin.

“As a lifelong educator, Rebecca Ehlert brings a unique perspective,” said Charles Moser, Board Chair. “We welcome her to the Board of Trustees and look forward to working alongside her to help our students continue to reach new heights.”

In other business, the board approved its priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Blinn will ask state lawmakers to support community colleges as they continue to offer affordable, high-quality academic and career training programs for Texas students. Blinn’s priorities for the upcoming legislative session are:

1. The Blinn College District supports the overall state funding level for community colleges adopted by the Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC) and the Community College Association of Texas Trustees (CCATT).

2. The Blinn College District supports the workforce and economic development policies adopted by TACC and CCATT.

3. The Blinn College District requests that the Legislature pass a bill that transfers ownership of the Star of the Republic Museum building from the Blinn College District to the Texas Historical Commission.

4. The Blinn College District requests that the Legislature support additional state funding to offset the rising expenses imposed upon community colleges associated with Hazlewood Act exemptions.

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