Blinn College trustees and Bryan ISD school board members agree to the sale of 95 acres of land owned by the college where BISD’s new transportation and maintenance complex will be built.
The sale price of $4.65 million dollars is a profit for Blinn, which purchased the land six years ago for $3.8 million.
A college spokesman said the price was determined after negotiating with BISD according to Blinn policy.
Click HERE to read and download the Blinn College real estate policy.
Blinn trustees purchased the land at Leonard Road and Harvey Mitchell Parkway to build a west Bryan campus. After starting to clear the land, the project was stopped when trustees decided to accept the Texas A&M system’s offer to build on the RELLIS campus.
There were no comments about the purchase from BISD board members during Monday’s meeting or during Tuesday’s Blinn trustees meeting.
Both governing bodies approved the transaction on unanimous votes.
The only comments came from departing BISD superintendent Christie Whitbeck. She said before joining the school board in executive session that the “new maintenance and transportation center (is) just in the right place and getting that land for the future is exciting and I’m so glad that I was able to have some input in that”.
Click below for comments from Christie Whitbeck from the September 20, 2021 Bryan ISD school board meeting.
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In a news release from Blinn College, chancellor Mary Hensley said “The sale of this property provides a win-win situation for Blinn College and the Bryan ISD and represents just one more example of the strong partnership between Blinn and the Bryan ISD benefiting Brazos County students”.
Whitbeck had the following statement in the Blinn release: “Bryan ISD appreciates the strong relationship we have with Blinn College, and all of the work that went into making this sale possible. This is a win for the entire community, as Bryan ISD plans to build a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing new transportation and maintenance facility on this property, bringing jobs and opportunity to this growing area of Bryan while leaving land for the future needs of the school district.”