Statement from Congressman Bill Flores:
Having made careful consideration and thoughtful reviews of each of those candidates, their experience, their positions on critical issues, the depth of their ties to this district (in light of the number of “carpetbaggers” that just moved to TX17 to run for Congress), and the viability of their campaign operations, I have decided to make an endorsement.
I am doing this for two reasons – first, to ensure that this Congressional district has the best possible representation in Congress, and second, to provide feedback to the numerous constituent requests I received regarding the large group of current candidates.
At the conclusion of this process, it was obvious to me that Renee Swann is our best candidate to become our Republican nominee.
She is a strong, thoughtful, Conservative, businesswoman, who will be able to best represent the views, values, and priorities of those of us who call Central Texas and the Brazos Valley our home.
There are many factors that stand out and help make Renee our best candidate:
• She and her husband, Russell, have lived, worshiped, built a business, and raised a family in Central Texas for almost forty years;
• As a small business owner, job creator, and healthcare executive, Renee built a business from the ground up, employed hardworking Texans, and has supported the delivery of medical treatment for over 50,000 of our Texas neighbors and friends;
• Through that experience, Renee has fought government policies and regulations, like Obamacare, that have harmed the doctor-patient relationship and driven costs higher – she understands first-hand how big government can harm real people;
• When the Central Texas VA experienced a severe backlog of Veterans needing vision services, Renee and her husband proactively worked with the VA to provide critical Ophthalmology services for veterans to reduce waiting times;
• She believes in term limits, and that elected folks should not make careers in politics – her ONLY commitment will be to Texas families in our district and to be their thoughtful, Conservative voice in Congress;
• She is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-religious liberty, and fiscally responsible; and
• Renee is dedicated to protecting our God-given rights from the rise of Socialism being promoted by the radical Left.
I strongly believe in the Founders’ notion that our nation should be led b y citizen legislators – people who live among us, serve for a limited period, and then come home. I know Renee will be that kind of citizen servant leader.
For more information about Renee, please check out her website, www.ReneeSwannForCongress.com.