BCS Together Launches Capital Campaign for New Facility

Photo from BCS Together's Facebook page

BCS Together, a nonprofit supporting foster, adoptive, kinship, and CPS-referred biological families, launched a $1 million capital campaign to put down permanent roots in Bryan-College Station.

Jenni Owolo, Executive Director, said the goal of Project 3609 is to fund the purchase and renovation of a permanent facility located at 3609 E. 29th Street in Bryan.

“We definitely don’t have enough space for all of the items that we have to serve families. We don’t have enough space to receive donations. This new space will be two or three times that size. It will also provide private office area for our staff and a private conference room,” said Owolo.

Owolo, who founded BCS Together in 2020, said the foster crisis grows every year.

“We work really hard to provide resources that nobody else is providing, so we believe, ultimately, kids will have permanent homes faster,” said Owolo.

Owolo says with nearly 50 percent of the goal raised, they are hoping to fund the remaining renovations and pay off the building by 2026.

“We believe that putting down roots here and being able to deepen our programs and grow our reach will help families feel more supported so the kids don’t end up back in foster care,” said Owolo.

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News release from BCS Together:

BCS Together, a nonprofit supporting foster, adoptive, kinship, and CPS-referred biological families, is launching a $1,000,000 capital campaign called “BCS Together’s Project 3609.” The goal of the campaign is to fund the purchase and renovation of a permanent facility that will house BCS Together’s offices, provide a meeting space for families, and serve as the new home for The Closet-a vital resource where families can receive essential items for the children in their care.

Since opening in January 2020, The Closet at BCS Together has served thousands of children in foster, adoptive, and kinship homes, offering clothing, supplies, and critical resources to kids and caregivers. As the need for services has grown, the organization has outgrown its current space.

“Each year, more families walk through our doors, and we’ve done our best to meet their needs,” said Jenni Olowo, Executive Director of BCS Together. “However, our current space is overflowing—storage is maxed out, staff have no private areas to meet with families, and we’re stretched across multiple rented spaces. It’s time to invest in a permanent home that allows us to better serve the community.”

Located at 3609 E. 29th Street in Bryan, the new facility will allow BCS Together to:
● Provide a central location for families to access essential items through The Closet
● Create dedicated meeting spaces for caseworkers and caregivers to privately meet with our staff
● House the BCS Together staff in a space designed for collaboration and family support

With nearly 50% of the goal already raised, BCS Together invites the community to help fund the remaining renovations and pay off the building by 2026. Supporters can contribute through a two-year pledge (monthly, quarterly, or annual giving) or a one-time donation to support renovation costs.

“Owning this space will allow us to dedicate more funding directly to serving kids and families rather than paying for rented storage and office space,” said Olowo. “We hope to move in by August 2025, and we would love for you to be part of this incredible journey.”

Donations can be made at www.bcstogether.org/project-3609. Every contribution helps ensure that no one has to care for kids alone.

Founded in 2019, BCS Together provides resources, relationships, and awareness to ensure foster, adoptive, and kinship families thrive. The organization has served over 8,000 children across the Brazos Valley through its programs.

For more information, visit www.bcstogether.org or contact (979) 353-0008.

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