For the second time in six months, the local Habitat for Humanity board of directors is looking for a new Executive Director.
Board President Peter Witt says Tori Wolen resigned following Habitat’s biggest fundraiser of the year.
Peter Witt comments on moving forward.
Witt says a search committee is ready to receive applications.
Witt on search committee.
Witt says Habitat’s work continues, noting last Saturday he saw the beginning of one home, keys to a completed home being given to the owners, and a third that’s halfway finished.
Homebuilding continues.
Nothing is slowing down Habitat’s goal of completing 15 homes before their business year ends June 30th and building another 15 the year after that.
Goals will be met.
Wolen’s resignation came after Habitat’s Community Builders Breakfast, which generated over $76,000 dollars in donations and pledges and another $40,000 in challenge grants.