A more than two year investigation by Bryan police into missing money from the Brazos Valley Softball Umpires Association results in the arrest of a former president. 46 year old Shad Collins of Bryan was arrested last Friday (March 7) on charges of taking more than $15,000 dollars during a four month period in 2022. The BPD arrest report says Collins, who had check writing authority, paid a property management company more than $2,500 dollars, paid $1,300 to U-Haul, and more than $1,200 at Walmart to pay an unknown bill. The arrest report says the umpires association board notified BPD in January 2023 that their yearly audit revealed missing deposits from vendors and checks paid to Collins that could not be explained. That’s after the association’s bank issued notifications for non-sufficient funds. The arrest report also says Collins was removed as the association’s president in late 2022. Collins, who was arrested on a felony theft charge, remains jailed as of March 11 in lieu of a $30,000 dollar bond.