Bryan city council members learned at this week’s meeting that construction in one area of the new Midtown Park is behind schedule. Deputy city manager Hugh Walker says completion of the new little league ballfields has been delayed until November due to the weather.
Walker says at the expanded Midtown Park lake, the heavy lifting has been completed on deepening the lake…with all spoiled dirt being removed and taken to the landfill.
Construction of Midtown Park’s shared use path should start this month and weather permitting will be completed in January.
There was no mention of what is happening with the Phillips Events Center building, which was closed following damage from the February winter storm. But 50 trees on the golf course are being removed. And a greens replacement project is coming to a close, where golfers will be able to use the new greens September 20th, weather permitting.
Click below for comments from Hugh Walker during the August 10, 2021 Bryan city council meeting.
Listen to “Bryan city council receives August city capital improvement project report” on Spreaker.
Walker’s report also included from Midtown Park:
• The first phase of the Bryan Midtown Park Gateway Entrance Sign and Landscaping project has been completed.
• The Interior Driveway concrete arch span bridge culvert has been placed across the creek to connect to the previously constructed roundabout on Midtown Blvd, with anticipated completion by November.
• The Midtown Blvd Extension construction contractor has been working on rough grading of the right of way, as well as some utility work at the Bomber at Williamson Drive intersection. Work should be complete by April 2022.
Elsewhere around the city of Bryan:
• The Coulter Drive Reconstruction Project is scheduled to complete this fall.
• The Woodville Road construction project is complete.
• Pavement on the Palasota Street Project, Phase 1, has been installed along the roadway in various sections, with pavement between Beck Street and the major creek crossing expected to be completed by the end of the month. Construction on the intersection roundabouts will likely begin in October, with overall project completion expected in April.
• The Staunton/Southside culverts are almost complete as part of the Still Creek Culvert Replacement Project. The Woodville and Wilkes Road culverts are installed but the
paving has not been finished at either location. The project is expected to be complete by end of the year but it is heavily weather-dependent.
• A public meeting for the Bristol/Esther Storm Sewer was held last week to show residents the design plans. The project is expected to bid late this year, with construction commencing in early 2022 and anticipated completion by end of 2023.
• TxDOT is scheduled to bid the William Joel Bryan Parkway Project in July of 2022, and the project limits have shortened from Texas Ave to Post Office driveways. BTU has substantially completed the new underground power line conversion.
• TXDOT is scheduled to bid the Phase 1 portion of the Earl Rudder/State Highway 6 Widening Project for bids in late summer of 2022. Phase 1 includes the widening of the main lanes of Hwy 6 to 6 lanes. Phase 2 of the project is scheduled to bid in 2024 and will include all the bridge improvements through the project limits.
• The Texas Avenue Phase 1 design from Old Hearne Road to 15th Street is complete, and includes the traffic signal installation at the Waco Street & Hwy 21 intersection recently realigned next to the American Legion. Phase 1 is expected to bid in December 2021. In addition to individual property owner meetings, the design team has been working with the fire and police departments on the median design for access/break points to facilitate emergency needs. TXDOT’s current plan is to construct the remainder of the project in two more phases, with Phase 2 installing raised medians and Phase 3 constructing the shared use path and sidewalks and intersection improvements.
• Construction on the first phase of the Downtown Quiet Zone improvements began last week. Future phases proceeding into construction will be dependent on Union Pacific making their improvements to their rail infrastructure, including quad gates at Groesbeck.
• Staff began to remove dead trees at the City Course last week, and approximately fifty trees will be removed over the next two weeks or so.
• The City Course greens sprigging project entered its 3rd week, and Phillips Event Center staff plans to transition back to the regular greens on September 20th.
• The Grandview Cemetery Association will have their historic marker dedication on Saturday, September 4th , tentatively set for 10:00 a.m. at the Grandview Cemetery.
• The First Ever Back to School Skate Jam is Friday, August 13th at 5:30 p.m. at the Williamson Skate Park. The event is free and includes prizes, music, and pizza. For more information, see “The Calendar” at: bryantx.gov.