Two Brazos County jail inmates face additional charges of beating up a third prisoner. 22 year old Zachary Sanchez and 38 year old Luis Gallegos of Bryan are accused of the attack last Thursday in an area where the victim was watching television. The inmate who was struck was taken to a local emergency room to get stitches to his right eye. Gallegos, who is being held for federal immigration authorities, is accused of using a broomstick to the eye. Sanchez, who is being held on drug and assault charges, was seen on video surveillance hitting the victim on the back of his head.
College Station police investigating a stabbing at an apartment on San Saba Drive last week arrested one of the occupants for evading and resisting arrest. The stabbing victim was treated at the scene for wounds that were not life threatening. There have been no arrests from the stabbing. 34 year old Jodi Laufer was arrested after she tried to go around officers to return to the apartment. According to the arrest report from the sheriff’s office, Laufer kicked a detention officer in the back in the pre-booking area. She was placed in leg restraints and transported by a wheelchair to the booking room.
Two recent drunk driving arrests by College Station police include two cases where vehicles were stopped at busy intersections and the drivers were passed out.
Motorists at Harvey Mitchell and Holleman contacted police and parked their cars around someone they thought was a drunk driver. After the driver was awakened and got out of his car, officers reported he refused to cooperate then he began to run away. He was arrested after being shot with a Taser and police getting the help of a bystander. 48 year old Kenneth Mynar of Caldwell, who is being held in the Brazos County Jail for a parole violation, was arrested for five other charges that includes DWI with two prior convictions and having two baggies of methamphamine with an estimated street value of $2,200 dollars.
And at Harvey Mitchell and Texas, officers approached a stopped car that was still in drive, the windshield wipers on, and the doors locked. After officers were not able to wake up the driver after banging on the windows, they got in the car through the sunroof. After the driver, 28 year old Seth Rothe of College Station, offered to call Uber to take him home, he was arrested for DWI with two prior convictions.