20 Percent Employee Turnover in the Bryan Schools

It may get your attention that there’s been a turnover of nearly 40 percent of the workforce over the last two years in the Bryan school district.

Superintendent Tommy Wallis was asked for comment about 857 employees leaving Bryan ISD over the last two years, including 455 teachers during that period.

Wallis says teachers made up most of the 143 who took advantage of the district’s early resignation incentive.

Wallis also cited one year contracts, some leaving the profession due to increased state testing requirements, and others taking off when their spouses graduate from A&M and move out of town.

Despite the teacher turnover, averaging 20 percent each of the two years, Wallis says the state rated Bryan as a highly qualified district.

The superintendent said similar factors also played into the decision by employees in other Bryan ISD categories.

WTAW’s Bill Oliver visits with Tommy Wallis.

Below is employee turnover numbers in five Bryan ISD categories for the 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years.

Spreadsheets courtesy of the Bryan school district.
Spreadsheets courtesy of the Bryan school district.


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