The Planned Parenthood regional office that includes a clinic in Bryan has reached a settlement with the Texas Attorney General’s office for fraudulent billing.
No specific clinic locations were named in the news release from the AG’s office. Wednesday’s announcement identified Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC), whose home office is in Houston.
State investigators began their probe following a whistleblower lawsuit alleging improper billing of the Texas Medicaid program for products and services either not provided, not necessary, and not covered.
Among the findings were that PPGC falsified information in patients’ medical records in order to support fraudulent Medicaid reimbursement claims.
PPGC must pay $1.4 million dollars, which will be shared by the whistleblower, the state, and federal government.
Last week, PPGC announced the closing of clinics in Bryan, Huntsville, and Lufkin August 1; citing funding cuts and a new law placing stricter regulations on abortion providers.