As university students begin to feel the effects of student loan interest rates that just doubled, Texas A&M is trying to do what it can to help out.
Executive Director for Scholarships and Financial Aid Delisa Falks says staff at the university are working hard and updating the websites to make sure students understand that there has been an increase in the rates, but also that there are thinking strategies that can help them in the long run.
Falks says it’s especially beneficial to count the costs ahead of time and really consider what would be spent on living arrangements and supplies.
She also advises that students keep loans specific to school costs.
Falks says students should only borrow what they actually need so that they don’t fall into the trap of having to pay anything extra.
She says that although over all, this means that students will end up paying more for student loans, she doesn’t think it will deter interested students from going to college.
Delisa Falks visits with WTAW’s Kat McMullen