House Committee Approves Texas Shield Law

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) _ A Texas House committee has approved the latest version of a plan to protect journalists from revealing confidential sources.

The bill was approved Monday by the House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee.

Similar proposals were taken off the table after significant changes in 2005 and killed on a parliamentary technicality on the House floor in 2007.

Proponents of the legislation have said they believe the bill has a good shot of passage this year.

Ann Arnold, who’s president of the Texas Association of Broadcasters, says they’ve had real good response from the members so far.

The shield law has divided the media and state district attorneys, who say a shield law would hurt their ability to gather evidence.

Journalists have said a shield law is necessary to encourage whistle-blowers to come forward and to protect news organizations from being used by prosecutors — to investigate.

Both sides have been meeting to try to find some middle ground, and Arnold said they will meet again later this week to hash it out.

The proposed Free Flow of Information Act says journalists can’t be forced to give up sources, notes or tapes unless a court can prove they’re relevant and can’t be obtained any other way.

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