Voter ID Issue Being Considered in State Senate

Texas Republicans are hoping to pass a law that would require voters to present a photo identification in order to cast their ballot.

Click to hear WTAW’s Chris Clift talk with Brazos County Voter Registrar Kristeen Roe:

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Roe says voter fraud is rare in Brazos County.

Currently a resident can register to vote with identification such as a birth certificate or utility bill.

While no photo identification is required to register, the birthdate and Social Security number on the application are verified and no voter registration card is issued until everything is confirmed.

Roe says it would be difficult for somebody to obtain a fraudulent voter identification card, although once they have that card it would be possible to let somebody else use it to vote.

Roe says she does not expect any changes to be passed in time to affect the May election.

Brazos County residents who would like to vote in the May 9 election must be registered by April 9.

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