More Texas Students on Subsidized Lunches

HOUSTON (AP) _ With the recession here, schools across Texas are providing students with thousands more subsidized meals.

The Houston Chronicle reports nearly 2.7 million children qualified for free or reduced-priced lunches in December, the latest period for which data is available. The figure represents nearly a five percent increase from the previous year.

A spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Agriculture says because eligibility for the program is determined by parents losing jobs and income, it’s likely the rise is related to the economic downturn.

Advocates say it’s critical that school employees reach out to families who recently lost jobs. Many have never been in that situation before and may be unfamiliar with the federal meal program.

Pearland, Cy-Fair and Houston are among the school districts that have seen increases.

The Houston district provides free breakfasts for all students and even serves meals in some classrooms.

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