Two Serious Injuries Following A One Vehicle Crash Near Easterwood Airport

Screen shots from the College Station police department's Facebook page.
Screen shots from the College Station police department's Facebook page.

College Station police report two people were taken to the hospital with serious injuries following a one vehicle crash Friday night (January 12).

Photos on CSPD’s Facebook page shows a S-U-V on its passenger side with the engine on the roadway.

When officers arrived, one person was outside the vehicle.

A second person was removed from inside the vehicle by College Station firefighters.

A CSPD spokesman tells WTAW News that the S-U-V went on its side after hitting a retaining wall.

The crash, which was on FM 60 at the diverging diamond interchange near the airport, was headed east towards the A&M west campus.

Photo from the College Station police department's Facebook page.
Photo from the College Station police department’s Facebook page.

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