College Station City Council Agrees To Bring Back Consideration Of A City Owned Convention Center

Photo from the city of College Station (seated L-R) councilwoman Linda Harvell, mayor John Nichols, and councilwoman Elizabeth Cunha (standing L-R) councilmen Mark Smith, William Wright, Dennis Maloney, and Bob Yancy.
Photo from the city of College Station (seated L-R) councilwoman Linda Harvell, mayor John Nichols, and councilwoman Elizabeth Cunha (standing L-R) councilmen Mark Smith, William Wright, Dennis Maloney, and Bob Yancy.

13 years ago, the College Station city council tabled the idea of a city owned convention center.

During both of the council’s May meetings, renewed interest was expressed.

Councilman Dennis Maloney, who was on the governing body when the center was tabled in March of 2010, said during the May 15 meeting “By God it’s time we had a convention center. Everyone on this council is supportive of it. We need it. We’ve got a space for it. We need a convention center.”

And during the council’s meeting on May 25, there was no opposition from councilman Bob Yancy to add it to a future agenda. Yancy said he wanted to “discuss openly (and) hear from staff as to the feasibility of it. What does a feasibility study look like? Is there such a process?”

Click below to hear comments from Dennis Maloney and Bob Yancy.


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