A suburban Houston man is in the Brazos County jail on charges of sexually assaulting a 12 and a 15 year old girl in a College Station hotel. According to the College Station police arrest report, 27 year old Allen Lee of Webster picked up the girls Friday from a Grimes County residential treatment center for victims of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and sex trafficking. Lee told CSPD officers the sexual contact took place even though he had suspicions about the ages of the girls. Lee is jailed in lieu of bonds totaling $400,000 dollars.
A tow truck driver’s attempt to repossess a vehicle in west Bryan Friday night led to a disturbance where the driver was injured and two arrests were made. The driver told Brazos County sheriff’s deputies according to the arrest report that he was attacked by around six family members who were trying to stop him from leaving with a repossessed car. The driver said a car window was shattered with a rock, sending a piece of broken glass into his eye. Two men told deputies they struck the window. One of the men said his car was being taken illegally. 36 year old Jayro Flores-Maradiaga of Bryan and 17 year old Jesan Armando of Marquez are out of jail after posting $3,000 dollar bonds.
Bryan police were involved in a standoff for at least one hour Sunday morning outside an apartment complex in the Midtown neighborhood. According to BPD arrest reports, a Navasota man damaged or destroyed two flatscreen televisions and broke a window while three children were sleeping. Officers forced their way into a second floor unit on Pleasant Street. 32 year old Antron Harris was charged with threatening the woman who lived there, criminal trespassing, and criminal mischief. Online records also show Harris is awaiting two criminal trials in Brazos County courts on drug and theft charges. The arrest reports did not state anyone was injured. As of Monday afternoon, he was jailed without bond on a charge of family violence by threat.