Bryan police spent the better part of four hours early Saturday morning inside, outside, and near a downtown bar following multiple fights. According to BPD arrest reports, nine officers responded to at least six cases at Bar 69 where there were at least four injuries. An elderly woman was taken to the hospital with undisclosed injuries, an officer reported sustaining minor injuries, someone working security had an arm wrapped up, and another woman was taken to the hospital for treatment of injuries before she was taken to jail. Four people were arrested for interfering with public duties. One of those four was also charged with resisting arrest.
College Station police responding to a fight in the Northgate district Sunday at one in the morning found 15 to 20 men outside the Icon club. One officer who had separated the crowd and was working on another case spotted the crowd had started fighting again…according to the arrest report taking up nearly the city block that includes Corner Bar and Z Bar and Bistro. Two men were arrested for fighting, a third man was arrested for making a gesture to continue the fight, and a fourth man who was taken to the hospital for a medical issue was ticketed for disorderly conduct. The arrest reports did not disclose how many CSPD officers responded.