Bryan’s New Fire Chief Tells The City Council A Study Has Started Regarding BFD’s EMS Service

Screen shot from the San Antonio fire department's website:
Screen shot from the San Antonio fire department's website:

The city of Bryan’s new fire chief tells the city council a study is underway that might change how the department provides emergency medical services and reduce the number of ambulance trips.

Chief Richard Giusti was responding to councilman Prentiss Madison’s request to add an ambulance at the fire station on North Texas, across from Davila Middle School.

Giusti said he is sending four firefighters to San Antonio, where he spent most of his career, to be exposed to community paramedicine…where patients receive care from firefighter EMT’s instead of taking ambulance rides.

According to the San Antonio fire department’s (SAFD) website, seven specialized services are offered. They include firefighter E-M-T’s providing in home hospice care and treating patients at acute care triage centers. According to SAFD’s website, there has been a 60 percent drop in ambulance calls by those who regularly make requests.

Giusti also said he has formed a planning division, in part to look at BFD’s EMS activity.

The new chief told councilmen he could present an update by the end of October.

Click below for comments from the May 11, 2021 Bryan city council meeting. Speakers include Prentiss Madison, Richard Giusti, and mayor Andrew Nelson.

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