College Station City Council Approves No Parking On Luther Street At Wellborn Road

Image from the city of College Station of the new no parking zone on Luther at Wellborn Road.
Image from the city of College Station of the new no parking zone on Luther at Wellborn Road.

College Station’s newest no parking zone is on Luther, going in and out of Wellborn Road.

City councilman Dennis Maloney, who was part of the unanimous vote at the last council meeting, said motorists will be able to “safely turn off Wellborn Road and go up Luther without hitting other cars.” Maloney also said “now my wife will no longer yell at me”.

Senior engineer Troy Rother reported “Vehicles traveling on Wellborn Road and turning onto Luther Street must swerve around the parked vehicles, cross the double yellow lines, and drive on the opposite side of the road.

Citizens and the fire department requested the parking removal on both sides of Luther approaching and turning from Wellborn Road.

Click HERE to read and download background information from the December 10, 2020 College Station city council meeting.

Click below for comments from Troy Rother and Dennis Maloney during the December 10, 2020 College Station city council meeting.

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