Bryan And College Station City Councils Override Staff Recommendations On Health District Budget Requests

The Brazos County health district is getting more, but not everything they asked for in next year’s budget, from the cities of Bryan and College Station.

WTAW News has learned the College Station city council this week joined the Bryan council in giving more money than originally recommended by management.

Both councils approved a ten percent, or $40,000 dollar increase.

That’s almost triple the three and a half percent increase recommended by staff in both cities last month.

Bryan manager Kean Register brought up his recommendation during a July 9th meeting.

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But the Bryan council unanimously approved the 10 percent increase at this week’s meeting. There was no explanation to giving the additional money by councilmen Greg Owens and Buppy Simank, who are Bryan’s representatives to the health district board and who requested the 10 percent increase.

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During a July presentation to the Bryan council, the health district’s environmental services manager, Bob Lamkin explained the additional money would go towards operating expenses.

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Lamkin also told the Bryan council about the agency’s search for other funding sources.

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The health district asked, but did not get either council to agree to contribute $150,000 dollars apiece towards the replacement of the roof at the district’s office in downtown Bryan.

Click HERE to read and download the Brazos County health district proposed fiscal year 2020 budget.

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