City Of College Station Continues To Wait On Union Pacific Regarding Four Railroad Crossings

The city of College Station continues to wait on Union Pacific on four railroad crossings along Wellborn Road.

The city council decided at its last meeting to close the Cain Road crossing when the new crossing at Deacon Drive is completed.

Assistant public works director Emily Fisher says this is the first of several steps between the city and the railroad.


Fisher says there will continue to be access to businesses west of the tracks.


Councilman Dennis Maloney was surprised to hear the cost of the Deacon Drive crossing was $5.5 million dollars.


The city has not heard from U-P when the city will be able to take construction bids for Deacon. Nor has the city been told when the railroad will consider designs for new crossings at Barron and Rock Prairie Roads.

Screen shot of an image produced by the city of College Station.

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