College Station residents who live east of city hall who want a new swimming pool at Thomas Park will continue to wait.
The city council spent more than two hours of their nearly five hour meeting last Thursday on the subject before deciding to continue the discussion later this year as they consider next year’s budget.
The pool was closed last year due to the leakage of more than 200,000 gallons of water a month.
After six neighborhood residents spoke in favor of replacing the pool, councilman Bob Brick’s reminder that a city wide survey also indicated support for replacement drew a response from fellow councilman John Nichols.
Councilman Dennis Maloney says they have a responsibility to replace the pool at what is the city’s second oldest park.
Mayor Karl Mooney expects state legislation to cap property tax increases will result in holding elections asking voters to approve the money for basic needs.
The council agreed that Thomas Park should not have a dog park or a splashpad. That’s after seven of nine members of the parks and recreation board recommended spending $1 million dollars budgeted this year on a dog park, a covered tennis court and two covered picnic tables.
And the continuing discussion about the pool does not interrupt $270,000 dollars of playground improvements and repairs.