College Station Council Approves Contracts Affecting Railroad Crossings Along Wellborn Road

Action taken during September meetings of the College Station city council include changes at three railroad crossings along Wellborn Road.

On September 27, the council approved an advance funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation, for a $5.4 million dollar crossing on Deacon that will result in closing the crossing on Cain Road.

Click HERE to read and download information about the Deacon/Cain railroad crossing project.

On September 13, the council awarded a design contract to rebuild the intersection of Wellborn and Holleman. That project will elevate Wellborn in order to reduce the dip motorists have on Holleman between Wellborn and the railroad.

Click HERE to read and download information about the Wellborn and Holleman intersection project.

During the September 13th meeting, public works director Donald Harmon said both projects will be built to allow the city to make a future application for a railroad quiet zone.


Image from the city of College Station showing the location of the railroad crossing project along Wellborn Road between Cain and Deacon.

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