Two people remain in jail after they were arrested earlier this week on charges of shoplifting more than six thousand dollars of televisions and other merchandise at two local Wal-Marts. Bryan police also charged 21 year old Angelica Pettus and 29 year old Jason Turner with engaging in organized criminal activity. According to BPD’s arrest report, employees at the Wal-Mart on Briarcrest were watching four people they recognized from prior thefts. During the course of the Bryan investigation, officers learned of a similar theft earlier in the day at the College Station Wal-Mart.
A Bryan couple remains in jail following their arrests last week in and around their mobile home. Six Bryan police officers and the city marshal wound up responding to what the arrest report first noted what they thought was an unattended five or six year old child inside a fifth wheel trailer. After the child’s grandparents were contacted, the grandfather arrived and broke a window to enter the trailer. The child and his mother were found inside, then the mother’s boyfriend ran out into the woods. 34 year old Bradley Loving was arrested for evading arrest with prior convictions and Robertson County charges of assault causing bodily injury and criminal mischief. 34 year old Christal Shockey was arrested for hindering prosecution after officers learned Loving had been staying in the trailer since last December.
A suburban Houston man remains in the Brazos County jail following his arrest last week on a child endangerment charge. College Station police responded to a call of a citizen finding an almost four year old boy about a half mile from his home. College Station police report the child was able to give his name and officers used Facebook to identify the boy’s father. A Facebook photo of a park led officers to the apartment where the child lived. According to the arrest report, two men who were not family members answered the door. They told officers they had left to spend between five and 15 minutes at another apartment. The father told officers he left one of the men in charge of taking care of the child. That led to the arrest of 27 year old Jason Murray.
A College Station man released from jail last month after paying more than three thousand dollars in court fines and costs returned to jail weekend. That followed a traffic stop by a College Station policeman, who spotted a truck without a front license plate. According to the arrest report, 32 year old Deondrick West has a driving record that includes 18 suspensions in the last seven years. According to online records, West was released from jail Thursday after posting bond on a new charge of driving with an invalid license with prior convictions, paying $971 dollars in fines in two other traffic cases, and being released to community service in two additional traffic cases.
A LaGrange man is out of the College Station jail after his arrest last weekend for urinating outside the fire station at University and Tarrow then driving away. 20 year old Winston Johnston was arrested for driving with an invalid license with prior convictions. According to the arrest report, Johnston’s driving record includes six suspensions since May 21st.

A request has been made to College Station police for a photo of Winston Johnston.