County Considering Video Technology in Jail and Court

Brazos County Commissioners are exploring the use of internet-based video between the jail and the courthouse.

County Judge Duane Peters says a retired judge from Dallas County has developed a non-proprietary system that can be used in many ways.

He says the video link could reduce inmate transports for court appearances and the associated costs, as well as possibly be used for witnesses testifying in court cases.

Peters says it would also be very secure in order for inmates and their lawyers to hold private conversations.

Another application would be to train employees as they do in college classrooms.

For example, he says if there were a law enforcement instructor who was excellent in a particular skill, rather than having to bring the teacher in for a training session, he or she could teach remotely.

Peters says once they learn the cost, then a decision can be made on how much would be implemented initially.

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Duane Peters visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver

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