Bryan City Council Receives May Project Update

The May 12th meeting of the Bryan city council included updates on more than 20 projects.

Click HERE to read and download city manager Kean Register’s report.

Click below to hear city manager Kean Register’s report:

Listen to “Bryan city council receives May project update” on Spreaker.


• The flow monitors for the sanitary sewer system were installed throughout the City and have captured data from two rainfall events for the I&I (inflow & infiltration) study.

• Water Services staff completed the relocation of 1000 feet of 12-inch waterline along Villa Maria at Midtown Park, which was necessary to accommodate the development of the park.

• Approximately 75% of the roadway on the Waco Street Realignment has been poured. Frontier was contacted again about relocating their facilities, and if they do so by the end of the month, this project should be substantially completed in July.

• Work on the 17th Street Culvert project started in February with the closure of 17th Street, and milling the existing pavement. The contractor exposed a sewer line that was larger in diameter than shown in the original survey, which necessitated a re-design to re-route the existing sewer. Staff is working on this change and work should restart in about 3 weeks.

• Construction on the Melba Circle Drainage project should be complete by end of the month, weather permitting.

• The 2019 Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Rehab project is complete and a Letter of Acceptance was sent to the contractor on May 4th.

• The homes in the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program were demolished, and final grading and seeding has been completed. FEMA was notified and will inspect the properties to verify the work. City crews are maintaining the lots.

• Construction began April 20th on both phases of Bryan Midtown Park – Phase 1B (Bomber Drive) and 3A (Lake bypass channel), with substantial completion estimated for late June. The traffic signal at Bomber/Villa Maria will not be installed until the poles and mast arms are delivered, which could be later this year.

• Solitude Lake Management removed 5,207 fish from the lake at Bryan Midtown Park and relocated them to a location downstream of the park within the same watershed, as required by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

• The Woodville Road Street, Drainage and Utility Improvements Project has seen completion of the the drainage, sanitary and water line construction at the Woodville /Hwy 6 intersection. The roundabout at Woodville / Woody / SH6 Overpass is expected to be completed in July, with full project completion anticipated in January.

• Work recently started on Phase I of the Coulter Drive Reconstruction Project, consisting of utility installations in and around the E. 29th Street and Coulter Drive intersection. This area is closed to traffic for the next two months, and detours through adjacent residential neighborhoods have been set up for the next 4 to 5 months. Expected project completion is next 2021.

• The pavement and drainage installation on the Kazmeier Road and Drainage Project is completed. Site cleanup, sodding and fence replacement are the remaining items on this project, expected for completion in June.

• The Bryan Midtown Park – Phase 1C Travis Fields (Little League) Project is currently advertised for competitive sealed proposals. Consideration for the construction contract is anticipated for the June 9th Council meeting, with construction to commence by July.

• The US Army Corps of Engineers provided the required authorization within their jurisdiction for all work throughout the Midtown Park. City crews have drained the lake through gradual demolition of the service spillway and by pumping out remaining low areas. Several months are needed to allow the lake to dry out before additional work can occur.

o The construction plans, which include excavation of the lake, increase the elevation of the dam, and installation of the service spillway, are being completed, with the plan to advertise for bids in the next few weeks and bring a construction contract to Council before July.

• Public outreach efforts for Phase 1 of the Texas Avenue reconstruction project will begin later this month. TXDOT is scheduled to bid Phase 1 in October, with construction to start thereafter. This phase was accelerated due to the need for storm sewer improvements to support the Old Hearne Road Project. The remainder of the project design will continue to progress through 2021.

• Design plans for the Downtown Quiet Zone/Groesbeck Railroad Crossing for street side improvements, including medians and sidewalks, for Phase I of II is at 95%. Staff anticipates bidding once comments are received from the Federal Rail Administration (FRA) on documents submitted in May 2019.

• Negotiations are currently underway for the design contract for Phase II of the Palasota Street Reconstruction. The design contract is expected to go to City Council for approval by August.


• On Tuesday May 5, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott issue Executive Order GA-21, which included language allowing a variety of businesses and facilities to reopen, including pools. Under this order, City of Bryan aquatic facilities are required to abide by two significant restrictions:

o the limit of 25 percent of normal operating capacity &

o the requirement as an exercise facility to close locker rooms & showers

• All City of Bryan aquatic facilities are required to follow applicable rules and regulations from the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) for public pools and spas. Staff received confirmation from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) that public swimming pools are required to close locker rooms and showers, which prevents the City of Bryan from opening and operating aquatic facilities without either violating GA-21 or applicable TAC rules and regulations.

• Staff received guidance from the American Red Cross that lifeguarding and related recertification classes cannot be conducted safely under current social distancing guidelines, meaning lifeguards cannot be trained and the City’s pools cannot open at this time.

• COVID-19 is impacting the Parks and Recreation Department Programs, with most summer programs being canceled at this time.

• Progress on the Gloria Stephan Sale Park Depot continues and the contractor is on schedule.

• All concrete work at Edgewater Park is complete, and the contractor is completing lighting and irrigation installation. The playground equipment installation is expected in early June with project completion expected shortly thereafter.

• The old playground structure at BRAC was removed, and City crews are working to eliminate drainage issues to prepare for the new fall zone and playground structure installation.

• The Ibarra Park Pavilion project is complete.


• Since last week, Bryan’s 2020 Census self-response rate increased 1.6%, from 49.5% on April 28th to 51.1% on May 4th. Unfortunately, Bryan’s response rate is now lower (by 0.4%) than the state average. However, Bryan’s response rate is ranked 401st out of 1,211 cities in Texas; College Station is ranked 536th. Brazos County’s overall response rate is ranked 48 out of the 254 counties in Texas. Remember, this year the census can be completed online, by phone, or by mail. For up to date response rate information, you can go to the following census website:

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