MPO Announces Public Meetings for the New 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

Dan Rudge, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Planning Organization, visits with WTAW’s Chelsea Reber about two upcoming public meetings to collect feedback for the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

Listen to “MPO Executive Director Dan Rudge on The Infomaniacs” on Spreaker.

News release from Bryan/College Station MPO:

The Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization (B/CS MPO) is seeking public comment on the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The MTP is the regional transportation planning document that analyzes existing conditions, determines what kind of transportation network will be needed to serve the Bryan/College Station area for the next 25 years and selects projects for funding. The public is invited to attend either of two meetings:

• Wednesday, November 13, 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. College Station Utilities Meeting/Training Facility, 1603 Graham Road; OR
• Wednesday, November 20, 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. City of Bryan Council Chambers, 300 South Texas Avenue

The two evening meetings will include presentations from local transportation professionals. Should the public need special accommodations to attend any of the meetings, contact Lisa Lyon at (979) 260-5298×1003 or by e-mail at

Sí desea información en Español, puede llamar al (979) 260-5298×1001.

In addition, the MTP is available on-line at Click on the read more link in the flashing alert box on the top of the page for the full document and to access the comment form. Comments about the MTP may also be e-mailed directly to MPO Executive Director Dan Rudge at Comments from the public not made on the website may be delivered or mailed to:

Bryan/College Station MPO
309 North Washington Avenue, Suite 14
Bryan, Texas 77803

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